She was born with it or maybe it was Valencia.

It's the Instagram joke that has more than a slither of truth.

We slam celebs for their vainglorious airbrushing of their Insta pics. We aren't fans of Photoshopped photos in magazines.

But, it turns out we can't really talk.

In a new survey, despite over two thirds (66 per cent) of female respondents thinking it's wrong for magazines to edit pictures, over half (57 per cent) admitted to regularly editing their own social media pictures to enhance their appearance.

We're not just talking a little Valencia filtering here.

According to the survey, they used apps like Photowonder and Perfect365, filters and Photoshop to slim down their thighs, flatten their tummies and perfect their skin.

A WHOLE NEW YOU: Carli Alman from beautyheaven gives herself an Instagram makeover using an editing app.

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And you've probably noticed more than a couple of girls standing there deeply absorbed in their phone's reflection, attempting to capture the perfect selfie.

It's not uncommon.

Most of the women surveyed take at least three photos to get the perfect shot, while more than 10 per cent of take more than 10 photos before they're satisfied.

After all the producing and editing the end result can be a little more fantasy than reality.

As many as one in five admitted they had tinkered with their profile picture so much, it wasn't an accurate representation of what they look like in person.

It helps to explain why a common first date story involves at least one half looking nothing like the picture in the online/app profile.

The sad truth that underlies such photo fiddling is that, according to one survey of 500 women, that 75 per cent only consider themselves "unattractive", "ugly", or "too fat".

This also might explain why a separate survey from last year found nearly eight in 10 women felt anxious about having photos taken of them and uploaded to social media.

In this new survey, 62 per cent sought to approve photos their friends had taken before they were posted online and would untag themselves if they felt they looked unattractive.

"It's normal to want to look good in pictures but it's important we are having fun with our social media images and not taking it too far," said Carli Alman, the editor of beautyheaven.

But, when we see photos of already stunning celebrities who have been airbrushed within an inch of their faces, are we learning a distorted image of beauty that is impossible to attain?

Some say so, while others, like model and author Tara Moss, say that playing with airbrushing and editing is on par with playing dress-ups: it's harmless fantasy.

Academic Catharine Lumby has previously addressed the "fake" presenting of women.

She said:

"Worrying about airbrushing seems to me to be far less important than focusing on ensuring young women of all backgrounds get access to good education about good nutrition and exercise and growing up in families where the parents are supported in raising confident and healthy girls."

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