Forget the downward dog, pop a clavicle is the pose to master in 2015.

While to some it may sound like a painful experience of dislocating a collarbone, for others in the fashion world (and avid selfie snappers), it is considered to be Beyonce's power pose, Naomi Campbell's default photographic position and the Victoria's Secret stage show secret.

It's also a pose which Sunrise star and new Australian Women's Weekly cover girl Samantha Armytage adopted for her first swimsuit spread. However, even though she's in her togs, it's her supermodel face with Kardashian-like contouring and décolletage that will pop off the newsstands when the new issue lands this week.

Covergirl: Samantha Armytage demonstrating how to work your angles with the clavicle pop pose.

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If we have learnt anything from the recently released photos of a glistening Armytage in expensive swimmers, it's that the girl knows how to work a camera, granted it's a part of her day job, but she clearly also nailed a Masters in Angles when at Charles Sturt University.

Australian model Simone Holtznagel, who landed an international fashion campaign for Guess after being discovered on Instagram last year, says knowing your body is the key element for being comfortable in front of the lens and allowing the camera to capture your best side.

"Know your angles. Everyone has a favourite side of their face and, for example, if you don't like your arms maybe place your hands on your hips so they aren't squished down which can, in some light, make them look flabby," she told Fairfax Media.

Holtznagel, who placed third in the 2011 season of Australia's Next Top Model and caught the attention of Guess founder Paul Marciano with her plethora of selfies and portfolio of campaigns for brands such as Cotton On, said the "pop a clavicle" routine is a well-known slimming trick.

"That's when you raise your shoulders up and roll them forward so your collarbones are highly visible, so you look skinny," she said.

Power pose: Beyonce (and her clavicle) as she appeared in the French fashion magazine, L'Officiel.

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To achieve the look that gives you the elegant neckline of a ballerina, the toned arms of a Pilates instructor and the bust of a perky millennial follow these simple steps:

1. Place your hands on or near your natural waist which is positioned just under your ribs. Or have them resting on a hard surface level with your bust a la Armytage.

2. Shoulders propped up slightly – you're aiming for a slight shrug, like "I'm not sure what I want to eat" nonchalance, not Lurch from The Addams Family.

3. A gentle head tilt which allows your neck to be ever so slightly elongated and brought to the fore, like a majestic baby swan.

Warning, personal trainers and many osteopaths hate this pose as it does nothing for good posture. However, if you are willing to adopt the profile of the Hunchback of Notre Dame in order to achieve the strong and lean photo "popping a clavicle" produces, go right ahead, strike a pose, there's quite a bit to it.

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