Boob Deodorant: Yes, It Does Exist!

Having big boobs is so overrated. True, there are perks—cleavage! curves! boys love them!—but the downsides are very real, and at 32DDD, I should know. Have you ever tried buying a bikini? "I'll take an XXL top and a small bottom, please!" Or wearing a strapless dress? Or a backless dress? Or any dress that requires you to go braless? Yeah, right. And then, underboob sweat. It looks bad ("No, I'm not lactating") and feels gross. Until now, I've just silently dealt with the issue. But then I found "21 Reasons Summer Sucks for Anyone With Big Boobs" on Buzzfeed this weekend, and discovered that "boob deodorant" is an actual thing.


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Buzzfeed called out Fresh Body Fresh Breasts, a cream that dries to a cooling powder to prevent wetness and chafing. The main ingredient is tapioca starch, which helps to absorb moisture, and the formula is unscented, so you don't have to worry about it overpowering your fragrance. Now, I thought this must be the only product of its kind, but it turns out Lush also makes a product for sweaty boobs, called Silky Underwear Dusting Powder, which is basically a fancy version of talcum powder that you sprinkle on any wet areas. I also tracked down an antiperspirant stick from a brand called Boobalicious that you can buy on Etsy.

If you're not into rubbing on a cream or shaking on a powder (the latter of which sounds like a dusty mess to me), there are also sweat pads that you can slip into your bra to absorb moisture. Bramates and Persper-eez both make paper-thin liners that you insert between your boobs and your bra to prevent that line of sweat along your underboob. It won't make buying a bathing suit easier or provide a bra you can wear with a backless dress that actually keeps your ta-ta's in place (because those stick-on bras are useless on any cup size over a B), but maybe one of these products will provide relief from summer boob sweat once and for all.

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